What We Do


The PROTECT ARNHEM LAND team are a group of people based in Maningrida who are very concerned about the impact of inappropriate development of this unique, fragile environment.


Our Mission

This region supports Aboriginal people maintaining  their cultural and spiritual links, and has world renowned natural diversity and areas of world conservation significance. The PAL team is led by a group of Traditional Owners and their families, with administration support from others living in the Maningrida community. The coastal town of Maningrida has a population of over 3000 and lies on the estuary of the Liverpool River, located approximately 500 km east of Darwin in North Central Arnhem Land.  The Kunibídji people are the traditional landowners of this country. The name Maningrida is an Anglicised version of the Kunibídji name Manayingkarírra, which comes from the phrase 'Mane djang karirra', meaning 'the place where the dreaming changed shape'. Maningrida was established as a trading post and rations depot in 1947. There are thirteen different Aboriginal languages spoken in the region, each group having their own strong cultural identity and tribal leadership. It is one of the most linguistically diverse areas in the world. The PAL team support Traditional Owners covering the Western and Central Arnhem Land. This covers the coastal area from Croker Island in the west to Milingimbi and Galiwinku in the east, and inland extending to Ramminginning.  The map below shows the proposed areas of exploration and mining around Maningrida.


Land based exploration and mining

 Arafura Oil and Gas have applied for rights for oil and gas exploration covering large tracts of land around the Maningrida area, up to 90km inland. Although Traditional Owners can reject the mining proposal through Land Rights legislation, there is great concern that the process for information dissemination and Aboriginal feedback is flawed. For example, the exploration proposals were advertisied in Darwin based english language newspapers. These papers are rarely available in the Maningrida area, and English is often the 3rd or 4th language spoken. The maps provided in the advertisements are not easily understood and lacked important detail such as sacred sites. The advertisements were published at a time of year when Aboriginal people of the area are more concerned with traditional ceremeonies and hunting. The cumulative impact of exploration was not raised in any way, and there was no information provided about the overall number of drilling sites. The Traditional Owners simply have not been given sufficient information on which an informed decision can be made. These concerns come on top of the overall concerns about the impact of Fracking on Country, as well as the impact of conventional mining. For more information on why we want to Protect Arnhem Land from exploration and mining visit Lock the Gate Alliance and Don't Frack the Territory

— Quote Source


What We’ve Achieved

  • Our Vision for Our Land


    Our vision is for Aboriginal people to be fully informed partners in decision making regarding anything to do with Aboriginal land. Development must be sustainable, providing employment while supporting traditional culture and hunting practices. This will provide economic and social benefits for the long term.


    Traditional Owners have control over their land through Land Rights Act. Aboriginal people do not differentiate between land and sea and their cultural beliefs and hunting practices extend beyond the low water mark. Aboriginal people must have Sea Rights extending as far as Commonwealth waters.